Use Hot Keys for Fast Shortcuts and Increased Efficiency

An often-overlooked feature of NinjaTrader, hot keys help you increase your speed & efficiency saving time in the fast-moving electronic markets.
NinjaTrader users can customize their own hot key combinations to be used throughout the platform to trigger actions related to:
- Charting
- Global Commands
- Market Analyzer
- NinjaScript Editor
- Order Entry
- SuperDOM
Below are just a few examples of default hot key combinations configured in NinjaTrader out-of-the-box.
Charting: When navigating your trading chart in NinjaTrader, use the following combinations to dial in your chart view:
- CTRL + Up or Down arrow: Decrease or increase the amount of space between candles
- ALT + Up or Down arrow: Decrease or increase the width of candles themselves
Global Commands: Use the following combination to help manage your workspaces:
- Shift + F3: Toggle between open workspaces
Market Analyzer: Try the following combination to refresh your Market Analyzer:
- CTRL + Shift + R: Reload all historical data in a Market Analyzer window
NinjaScript Editor: When building or debugging an indicator, the following hot key is useful:
- F5: Compiles the editor, checking for any bugs or incomplete statements
Order Entry: Hot keys can be customized by users to place orders. The one default hot key for order entry is to enable or disable OCO.
- CTRL + Z: Enables or disables the OCO (one-cancels-other) function
SuperDOM: While most hot keys used in the SuperDOM would be configured in the Order Entry section, try the following combination to refresh your SuperDOM window:
- Ctrl + Shift + R: Reloads all historical data in a SuperDOM window
Understanding the Risks of Hot Keys
While hot keys are powerful and versatile shortcuts for traders, it is important to understand the risks involved. Misuse of hot keys can result in unexpected trades and a potential trading errors which could lead to a loss.
Before using a hot key, ensure that the appropriate active window is selected. For example, if you intend to use a hot key within a SuperDOM window, first click in the top bar of the SuperDOM window to make sure this is your active window. Additionally, it is of utmost importance to make sure that the correct hot key combination is used.
Creating Your Own Custom Hot Keys
To assign your own custom key combinations:
- Access the Hot Keys window by clicking Tools>Hot Keys from the NinjaTrader Control Center.
- Next, select the desired category on the left-hand side and find the action you with to create or edit a hot key
- Hover your mouse over the action field where you want your hot key assigned and “Click to record hot
key” should appear.
- Left click on the field to begin recording then use your keyboard to input your hot key combination.
- Recording will finish as the hot key is pressed.
Download the award-winning NinjaTrader platform today and start exploring how you can take advantage hot keys in your trading!
key” should appear.